Career guide

and APP for Employees

Target group

The target group of the proposed project will include all employees and the individuals who are going to start working in near future. Thus, the career guide and the mobile application to be developed within the scope of the project will be useful for all employees and for the individuals who are going to start working in near future. The reason why we have chosen all employees and the individuals who are going to start working in near future as our target group is the fact that career planning is an important need for the people in these statuses.


Within the scope of our project, innovative materials (career planning guide and mobile application) will be developed for employees to plan their careers. Beneficiaries will be able to create their own career planning process online by means of mobile application that is to be developed. Beneficiaries will design the process of building a career step by step via mobile application. Beneficiaries will also receive an online counselling and consultancy service about career planning subject. In today’s business life, it is a fact of management science that human beings and their efforts are the essential factors for the success of all organizations.